Not so long ago, there was just a path for anglers and dog lovers there. The plants were swollen, the willows were large…you had to step over  fallen trees…you had to smell sewerage, litter and compost. The road from the city stopped at the locked gate to a desolate outdoor cinema. The seats were overgrown with weeds, the large roof was leaky and  the projectionist´s booth was a creaky shack. Over the back fence, there  was a godforsaken Monastery Garden. And then came Fík. Fík, the Maxidog.  A debate on how to reshape a riverbank – with authors of the Maxidog Fík Riverbank project in Kadaň.

MEETING POINT: 2. 10., 17:00, Kulturní dům Střelnice, Čechova 147
