Beroun – potentials and threats

Beroun on bikes, together forward adventures, not just with Ummagumma architects. Uncontrolled city growth through local resident’s eyes.

Is it better to build in the city or in the suburbs? Is it right to let Beroun slowly connect to Králův Dvůr? Is public sector more important than private investors? Are we interested in reality or artificial theatrical scenery? Do we need thousands of square meters of retail business in middle of historical town? Do we want to move through town by cars, buses, bikes or even by foot? Is it all right to build up in the countryside just to get exclusive views? Is it still possible to build in the city centers? And who owns the truth?

Meeting point: Sunday 5 October, 14:00, at Hus square just underneath the statue of Mister Jan Hus (bikes and photo cameras with you!)
Berou sobě!
