Neo-renaissance tower reconstructed according to the design by Petr Hájek architects. Historic rooms, gallery, the highest pericope in the world, and outlook gallery in the upper floor. Sun 2....
Late functionalist pavilion school, opened 70 years ago. Post war trends of modern pedagogy, the ideal of collectivity, Solidarity! Sun 2. 10. | 10:00 | Brigádníků 14, Praha 10
Stromovka park from the past to the present with the author of the renovation Martin Kovář from Ing. Pavel Šimek – Florart studio. Sun 2. 10. | 10:00 |...
The sculptor’s studio surrounded by woods, designed by Josef Hrubý in Brussels style and rebuilt by Alena Šrámková, with co-author of the reconstruction Lukáš Ehl or theorist Viktorie Vítů. Reservation...
The villa is an important monument of the Czech interwar architecture and thanks to the well-preserved state of the house it is also unique evidence of the life of Rothmayers’...
Landscape architect Štěpán Špoula, who leads the project of Strategic Study of Vltava Promenade for Prague IPR, will take you to Koráb hill and down to Rokytka creek. Sun...
Architect Lenka Kovářová will guide you along the traces of Bystřice, a stream that vanished under the ground during the last century. Sun 2. 10. | 10:00 | intersection of...
With historian Ladislav Čepička from the Museum Association of the Vimperk Manor about the public spaces and the houses on the square and their transformation over the last hundred years....
Major architectural works in the center of Brno in Ukrainian language. Sun 2. 10. | 11:00 | CK Čedok, Nádražní 10, Brno-střed
Following examples of individual post-war family construction in the Masaryk District with architecture historian Filip Kyrc. Sun 2. 10. | 11:00 | Vaňkovo nám. 914, Brno-střed
A tour of the only modernist church in Opava dedicated to the patron saint of Silesia by architect Leopold Bauer and painter Paul Gebauer with historian Petr Tesař. Sun 2....
Gočár’s purist House of Agricultural Education in Vinohrady with librarian Tereza Lančová. Sun 2. 10. | 11:00, 12:00, 13:00 | Slezská 100, Praha 2
Žižkov unusually – or the transformation of the public spaces from the perspective of landscape architects Lucie Vogelová and Zuzana Štemberová. Sun 2. 10. | 11:00 | Pub Parukářka, Praha...
With skateboarding lovers and architects from U/U studio around skateboarding sites that are natural component of the public space. Sun 2. 10. | 11:00 | „Stalin“, Letenské sady, Praha...
Master clockmaker Tomáš Fábera from Opočno and restorer Lubomír Merta from Ondřejovice will describe the completed process of restoring the church clock and introduce the unique clockwork. Sun 2. 10....
A residential area, a housing estate, a satellite, a shopping park... A bike ride through the best and worst of Brno's architecture and urbanism of the last 100 years. Bring...
Following the lost and contemporary statues during a cycle walk through the Chrenová housing estate with culturologist Juraj Novák. Partners: Town Nitra, Campri, spol. s.r.o., RENOLIT Tábor s.r.o., Botanical garden...
Changes and visions of public areas with architect and director of Vyšehrad National Monument Petr Kučera. Sun 2. 10. | 13:00, 15:00 | V Pevnosti 5b, Praha 2 (in...
The new university building opened in 2020 is a rebuilding of a canteen according to the design by Kuba & Pilař architects. Sun 2. 10. | 13:00–17:00 | Pátkova...
Hotel and former famous cake shop Juliš by architect Pavel Janák from 1927–1933. Reservation online. Sun 2. 10. | 13:00–17:00, komentované prohlídky každou půlhodinu | Václavské nám. 22, Praha...
Individualistic modern style designed by Karel Truksa and Pavel Janák in 1930. The project’s rarity was a theatre hall inside the sacral building, today a home of MANA Theatre.
Common as well as private spaces of Langhans Palace that was sensitively reconstructed in 2002 by Ladislav Lábus with regard to its history connected with photography. Reservation online for guided...
What is the story of Rokoko Theatre’s origin and what secretes does it hide? A tour with architecture historian Jakub Potůček will uncover the history as well as architectural assets...
The Art Nouveau villa with a studio from 1912 designed by sculptor Ladislav Šaloun himself in collaboration with architect Josef Černý. Sun 2. 10. | 13:00–18:00 | Slovenská 2,...
Family villa built in 1931–1932 for lawyer JUDr. Josef Winternitz according to design by Adolf Loos and Karel Lhota. Reservation online. Sun 2. 10. | 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00...